Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Tidbits: So today was eventful.


I had plenty of stuff going on. Mini road trip with the boy. in the Jeep. with the top down. and Charlie in the back :D good times. Then adding finishing touches to my [dorm-ish-looking] room with my new roomie. I love how big my room really is! Made lunch with the roomie—yummmmmmmy. ‘Nuff said.Then got my very own WIFI—it’s swell to be sure. Everything was Grand today, and several times I found myself forgetting to thank Jesus for letting life be so Grand… Surprised smile Sometimes when stuff is happening, whether good or bad, it’s easy to forget about the One who is with you the whole time and His promise to get you through life His way. Remember Jesus and what He did for you, then thank Him for it! He’s given us so much, everything in us and around us is His.

This reminded me of the chorus of the old hymn “Jesus Paid it All” by Elvina Hall:

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.


On another note, I start my new job tomorrow! Can I get a WOOT WOOT?!?! I’m a bit nervous, I won’t lie… but I know everything is gonna work out and it’ll certainly help out my income quite a bit! ^_^ That is the cutest turtle btw. Anyways the drive across town should be interesting—I’m gonna have to leave early to make sure I can find the place. It is well known that I’m directionally challenged in every way possible. And that’s putting it politely! Ugh, the only city I don’t get lost in is Chicago… Tucson is definitely the opposite of Chi-town. Barely any TRAFFIC though :D It’s a good thing I won’t have to drive there everyday— working from home definitely has it’s advantages! See, God knew my truck is a well-loved machine, but a gas-guzzling one nonetheless. And then I don’t have to worry about getting lost more than once… yes, I’m serious, sadly.


Well, I think I’m going to call it a night—gonna get up early so I can be all perdy for my orientation. Gracias for listening to me ramble on. Have a glorious night, and don’t forget to thank Jesus Smile


Loveeeee you <3

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