Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Declare….

I declare this to be A Random Act of Kindness Month!


Yessss indeedy. I think we should make it happen—I know we can. I need you all to gather up some ideas on how we can spread the love—email me with a great idea or a success story and I’ll feature it!!
To get the momentum going, if I hit 35 followers, and this is a success, I will have a cool lil giveaway—suitable for guys AND gals Just kidding

So spread the word people Smile

To enter this giveaway all you need to do is follow my blog via Google Friend Connect, then post a random act of kindness you have performed that day, up until May 31st. Since this is my first giveaway and it will be relatively small, only one entry per person/per day will be accepted. If you post about this giveaway on your blog or Facebook you may have ONE extra entry every day that you do so. I will draw a winner on May 18th using random.com’s random generator.

What good can you do??



  1. Have you ever read the book "Pay it Forward"? YOU SHOULD! miss you and love you bunches!!

  2. No, but I have seen the movie! lol -- not that that really counts lol
    I miss and love you bunches too! :)

  3. Love the "free hug". It is amazing to see how people react when you smile, say "hello", or just give a friend a hug. It's the simple things that make people.
